- 最简单的备份方式是关闭IndexWriter,然后逐一拷贝索引文件,但是如果索引比较大,那么这种备份操作会持续较长时间,而在备份期间,程序无法对索引文件进行修改,很多搜索程序是不能接受索引操作期间如此长时间停顿的
- 那么不关闭IndexWriter又如何呢?这样也不行,因为在拷贝索引期间,如果索引文件发生变化,会导致备份的索引文件损坏
- 另外一个问题就是如果原索引文件损坏的话,再备份它也毫无意义,所以一定要备份的是最后一次成功commit之后的索引文件
- 每次在备份之前,如果程序将要覆盖上一个备份,需要先删除备份中未出现在当前快照中的文件,因为这些文件已经不会被当前索引引用了;如果每次都更改备份路径的话,那么就直接拷贝即可
从Lucene 2.3版本开始,Lucene提供了一个热备策略,就是SnapshotDeletionPolicy,这样就能在不关闭IndexWriter的情况下,对程序最近一次索引修改提交操作时的文件引用进行备份,从而能建立一个连续的索引备份镜像。那么你也许会有疑问,在备份期间,索引出现变化怎么办呢?
所以在备份期间,索引会比通常情况下占用更大的磁盘空间,当索引备份完成后,可以调用SnapshotDeletionPolicy.release (IndexCommit commit) 释放指定的某次提交,以便让IndexWriter删除这些已被关闭或下次将要更新的文件。
segments.gen文件在每次程序提交索引更新时都会被重写,因此备份模块必须要经常备份该文件,但是在Lucene 6.0中注意segments.gen已经从Lucene索引文件格式中移除,所以无需单独考虑segments.gen的备份策略了。在备份期间,write.lock文件不用拷贝。
- 该类在同一时刻只保留一个可用的索引快照,当然你也可以解除该限制,方法是通过建立对应的删除策略来同时保留多个索引快照
- 当前快照不会保存到硬盘,这意味着你关闭旧的IndexWriter并打开一个新的IndexWriter,快照将会被删除,因此在备份结束前是不能关闭IndexWriter的,否则也会报org.apache.lucene.store.AlreadyClosedException: this IndexWriter is closed异常。不过该限制也是很容易解除的:你可以将当前快照存储到磁盘上,然后在打开新的IndexWriter时将该快照保护起来,这样就能在关闭旧的IndexWriter和打开新IndexWriter时继续进行备份操作
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.*; import org.apache.lucene.index.*; import org.apache.lucene.search.TermQuery; import org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collection; import static org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store.YES; /** * 测试Lucene索引热备 */ public class TestIndexBackupRecovery { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String f = "D:/index_test"; String d = "D:/index_back"; IndexWriterConfig indexWriterConfig = new IndexWriterConfig(new StandardAnalyzer()); indexWriterConfig.setIndexDeletionPolicy(new SnapshotDeletionPolicy(new KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy())); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(FSDirectory.open(Paths.get(f)), indexWriterConfig); Document document = new Document(); document.add(new StringField("ID", "111", YES)); document.add(new IntPoint("age", 111)); document.add(new StoredField("age", 111)); writer.addDocument(document); writer.commit(); document = new Document(); document.add(new StringField("ID", "222", Field.Store.YES)); document.add(new IntPoint("age", 333)); document.add(new StoredField("age", 333)); writer.addDocument(document); document.add(new StringField("ID", "333", Field.Store.YES)); document.add(new IntPoint("age", 555)); document.add(new StoredField("age", 555)); for (int i = 0; i 1000; i++) { document = new Document(); document.add(new StringField("ID", "333", YES)); document.add(new IntPoint("age", 1000000 + i)); document.add(new StoredField("age", 1000000 + i)); document.add(new StringField("desc", "ABCDEFG" + i, YES)); writer.addDocument(document); } writer.deleteDocuments(new TermQuery(new Term("ID", "333"))); writer.commit(); backupIndex(writer, f, d); writer.close(); } public static void backupIndex(IndexWriter indexWriter, String indexDir, String backupIndexDir) throws IOException { IndexWriterConfig config = (IndexWriterConfig) indexWriter.getConfig(); SnapshotDeletionPolicy snapshotDeletionPolicy = (SnapshotDeletionPolicy) config.getIndexDeletionPolicy(); IndexCommit snapshot = snapshotDeletionPolicy.snapshot(); //设置索引提交点,默认是null,会打开最后一次提交的索引点 config.setIndexCommit(snapshot); Collection fileNames = snapshot.getFileNames(); File[] dest = new File(backupIndexDir).listFiles(); String sourceFileName; String destFileName; if (dest != null && dest.length > 0) { //先删除备份文件中的在此次快照中已经不存在的文件 for (File file : dest) { boolean flag = true; //包括文件扩展名 destFileName = file.getName(); for (String fileName : fileNames) { sourceFileName = fileName; if (sourceFileName.equals(destFileName)) { flag = false; break;//跳出内层for循环 } } if (flag) { file.delete();//删除 } } //然后开始备份快照中新生成的文件 for (String fileName : fileNames) { boolean flag = true; sourceFileName = fileName; for (File file : dest) { destFileName = file.getName(); //备份中已经存在无需复制,因为Lucene索引是一次写入的,所以只要文件名相同不要要hash检查就可以认为它们的数据是一样的 if (destFileName.equals(sourceFileName)) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { File from = new File(indexDir + File.separator + sourceFileName);//源文件 File to = new File(backupIndexDir + File.separator + sourceFileName);//目的文件 FileUtils.copyFile(from, to); } } } else { //备份不存在,直接创建 for (String fileName : fileNames) { File from = new File(indexDir + File.separator + fileName);//源文件 File to = new File(backupIndexDir + File.separator + fileName);//目的文件 FileUtils.copyFile(from, to); } } snapshotDeletionPolicy.release(snapshot); //删除已经不再被引用的索引提交记录 indexWriter.deleteUnusedFiles(); } }
根据 Summary of File Extensions的说明,目前Lucene 6.0中存在的索引格式如下
Name | Extension | Brief Description |
Segments File | segments_N | Stores information about a commit point |
Lock File | write.lock | The Write lock prevents multiple IndexWriters from writing to the same file |
Segment Info | .si | Stores metadata about a segment |
Compound File | .cfs, .cfe | An optional “virtual” file consisting of all the other index files for systems that frequently run out of file handles |
Fields | .fnm | Stores information about the fields |
Field Index | .fdx | Contains pointers to field data |
Field Data | .fdt | The stored fields for documents |
Term Dictionary | .tim | The term dictionary, stores term info |
Term Index | .tip | The index into the Term Dictionary |
Frequencies | .doc | Contains the list of docs which contain each term along with frequency |
Positions | .pos | Stores position information about where a term occurs in the index |
Payloads | .pay | Stores additional per-position metadata information such as character offsets and user payloads |
Norms | .nvd, .nvm | Encodes length and boost factors for docs and fields |
Per-Document Values | .dvd, .dvm | Encodes additional scoring factors or other per-document information |
Term Vector Index | .tvx | Stores offset into the document data file |
Term Vector Documents | .tvd | Contains information about each document that has term vectors |
Term Vector Fields | .tvf | The field level info about term vectors |
Live Documents | .liv | Info about what files are live |
Point values | .dii, .dim | Holds indexed points, if any |
如果想要查看中文,可以参考 这里。
- 关闭索引目录下的全部reader和writer,这样才能进行文件恢复。对于Windows系统来说,如果还有其它进程在使用这些文件,那么备份程序仍然不能覆盖这些文件
- 删除当前索引目录下的所有文件,如果删除过程出现“访问被拒绝”(Access is denied)错误,那么再次检查上一步是否已完成
- 从备份目录中拷贝文件至索引目录。程序需要保证该拷贝操作不会碰到任何错误,如磁盘空间已满等,因为这些错误会损坏索引文件
- 对于损坏索引,可以使用CheckIndex(org.apache.lucene.index)进行检查并修复
/** * @param source 索引源 * @param dest 索引目标 * @param indexWriterConfig 配置相关 */public static void recoveryIndex(String source, String dest, IndexWriterConfig indexWriterConfig) { IndexWriter indexWriter = null; try { indexWriter = new IndexWriter(FSDirectory.open(Paths.get(dest)), indexWriterConfig); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("", e); } finally { //说明IndexWriter正常打开了,无需恢复 if (indexWriter != null && indexWriter.isOpen()) { try { indexWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("", e); } } else { //说明IndexWriter已经无法打开,使用备份恢复索引 //此处简单操作,先清空损坏的索引文件目录,如果索引特别大,可以比对每个文件,不必全部删除 try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(dest)); FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(source), new File(dest)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("", e); //使用备份恢复出错,那么就使用最后一招修复索引 log.info("Check index {} now!", dest); try { IndexUtils.checkIndex(dest); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e1) { log.error("Check index error!", e1); } } } } }
/** * CheckIndex会检查索引中的每个字节,所以当索引比较大时,此操作会比较耗时 * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void checkIndex(String indexFilePath) throws IOException, InterruptedException { CheckIndex checkIndex = new CheckIndex(FSDirectory.open(Paths.get(indexFilePath))); checkIndex.setInfoStream(System.out); CheckIndex.Status status = checkIndex.checkIndex(); if (status.clean) { System.out.println("Check Index successfully!"); } else { //产生索引中的某个文件之后再次测试 System.out.println("Starting repair index files..."); //该方法会向索引中写入一个新的segments文件,但是并不会删除不被引用的文件,除非当你再次打开IndexWriter才会移除不被引用的文件 //该方法会移除所有存在错误段中的Document索引文件 checkIndex.exorciseIndex(status); checkIndex.close(); //测试修复完毕之后索引是否能够打开 IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(FSDirectory.open(Paths.get(indexFilePath)), new IndexWriterConfig(new StandardAnalyzer())); System.out.println(indexWriter.isOpen()); indexWriter.close(); } }
Segments file=segments_2 numSegments=2 version=6.0.0 id=2jlug2dgsc4tmgkf5rck1xgm4 1 of 2: name=_0 maxDoc=1 version=6.0.0 id=2jlug2dgsc4tmgkf5rck1xgm1 codec=Lucene60 compound=true numFiles=3 size (MB)=0.002 diagnostics = {java.runtime.version=1.8.0_45-b15, java.vendor=Oracle Corporation, java.version=1.8.0_45, java.vm.version=25.45-b02, lucene.version=6.0.0, os=Windows 7, os.arch=amd64, os.version=6.1, source=flush, timestamp=1464159740092} no deletions test: open reader………OK [took 0.051 sec] test: check integrity…..OK [took 0.000 sec] test: check live docs…..OK [took 0.000 sec] test: field infos………OK [2 fields] [took 0.000 sec] test: field norms………OK [0 fields] [took 0.000 sec] test: terms, freq, prox…OK [1 terms; 1 terms/docs pairs; 0 tokens] [took 0.007 sec] test: stored fields…….OK [2 total field count; avg 2.0 fields per doc] [took 0.008 sec] test: term vectors……..OK [0 total term vector count; avg 0.0 term/freq vector fields per doc] [took 0.000 sec] test: docvalues………..OK [0 docvalues fields; 0 BINARY; 0 NUMERIC; 0 SORTED; 0 SORTED_NUMERIC; 0 SORTED_SET] [took 0.000 sec] test: points…………..OK [1 fields, 1 points] [took 0.001 sec] 2 of 2: name=_1 maxDoc=1001 version=6.0.0 id=2jlug2dgsc4tmgkf5rck1xgm3 codec=Lucene60 compound=true numFiles=4 size (MB)=0.023 diagnostics = {java.runtime.version=1.8.0_45-b15, java.vendor=Oracle Corporation, java.version=1.8.0_45, java.vm.version=25.45-b02, lucene.version=6.0.0, os=Windows 7, os.arch=amd64, os.version=6.1, source=flush, timestamp=1464159740329} has deletions [delGen=1] test: open reader………OK [took 0.003 sec] test: check integrity…..OK [took 0.000 sec] test: check live docs…..OK [1000 deleted docs] [took 0.000 sec] test: field infos………OK [3 fields] [took 0.000 sec] test: field norms………OK [0 fields] [took 0.000 sec] test: terms, freq, prox…OK [1 terms; 1 terms/docs pairs; 0 tokens] [took 0.008 sec] test: stored fields…….OK [2 total field count; avg 2.0 fields per doc] [took 0.012 sec] test: term vectors……..OK [0 total term vector count; avg 0.0 term/freq vector fields per doc] [took 0.000 sec] test: docvalues………..OK [0 docvalues fields; 0 BINARY; 0 NUMERIC; 0 SORTED; 0 SORTED_NUMERIC; 0 SORTED_SET] [took 0.000 sec] test: points…………..OK [1 fields, 1001 points] [took 0.001 sec] No problems were detected with this index. Took 0.159 sec total. Check Index successfully!
Segments file=segments_2 numSegments=2 version=6.0.0 id=2jlug2dgsc4tmgkf5rck1xgm4 1 of 2: name=_0 maxDoc=1 version=6.0.0 id=2jlug2dgsc4tmgkf5rck1xgm1 codec=Lucene60 compound=true numFiles=3 FAILED WARNING: exorciseIndex() would remove reference to this segment; full exception: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: D:index_test_0.cfe at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(WindowsException.java:79) … … at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497) at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(AppMain.java:144) 2 of 2: name=_1 maxDoc=1001 version=6.0.0 id=2jlug2dgsc4tmgkf5rck1xgm3 codec=Lucene60 compound=true numFiles=4 size (MB)=0.023 diagnostics = {java.runtime.version=1.8.0_45-b15, java.vendor=Oracle Corporation, java.version=1.8.0_45, java.vm.version=25.45-b02, lucene.version=6.0.0, os=Windows 7, os.arch=amd64, os.version=6.1, source=flush, timestamp=1464159740329} has deletions [delGen=1] test: open reader………OK [took 0.059 sec] test: check integrity…..OK [took 0.000 sec] test: check live docs…..OK [1000 deleted docs] [took 0.001 sec] test: field infos………OK [3 fields] [took 0.000 sec] test: field norms………OK [0 fields] [took 0.000 sec] test: terms, freq, prox…OK [1 terms; 1 terms/docs pairs; 0 tokens] [took 0.013 sec] test: stored fields…….OK [2 total field count; avg 2.0 fields per doc] [took 0.016 sec] test: term vectors……..OK [0 total term vector count; avg 0.0 term/freq vector fields per doc] [took 0.000 sec] test: docvalues………..OK [0 docvalues fields; 0 BINARY; 0 NUMERIC; 0 SORTED; 0 SORTED_NUMERIC; 0 SORTED_SET] [took 0.000 sec] test: points…………..OK [1 fields, 1001 points] [took 0.002 sec] WARNING: 1 broken segments (containing 1 documents) detected Took 0.165 sec total. Starting repair index files… true